Monday, September 5, 2011

Office Mail

Okay, so since it's holi-no-mail-day, here's a second post for you to enjoy!!

This past year my boyfriend was in AmeriCorps and worked at a non-profit here in Boston.
As the year went on I got to know his co-workers pretty well since it was a very small organization. I even ended up sending some mailart to them at their office!

Below is one of the pieces I sent.
On the right is a piece based on lyrics from a Magnetic Fields song: "Love is wrapped around my heart like a boa constrictor babe."
And on the left is an ad for a super delicious beer. As you can see, it is blueberry flavored, BUT it is a dark beer!! I LOVE darker beers; stouts and porters are my favorite, and this one was amazing. I was able to try it at the American Craft Beer Fest that took place in Boston this summer. I got the ad there too.
This was sent to a fellow Magnetic Fields and beer fan.
I also sent a letter from Wisconsin to one of Clay's co-workers who grew up there. You can see it in this post. (first photo)

A hand drawn postcard went to a ginger lover in the office.

Yes, I meant the spice... not redheads.
But I have nothing against redheads- I even wanted to be one thanks to Anne of Green Gables. :-D

And finally, sent to the boyfriend himself, and inspired from a post I saw a lonnng time ago on Pintrest:

There was actually one more piece that I sent to the office, but I forgot to take a picture of it. Sorry.
Looking forward to mail tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the piece taken from the song in Grease!!! I didn't mean for that just happened.
