Sunday, August 24, 2014

LWA virtual mail social

So, today is another LWA virtual mail social.

I've only written one letter so far. I was very excited about printing out some of the free printable stationery made for the last online social. You can download it from the LWA site if you are a member. I had to go out to buy dog food, so I stopped by the Fed Ex office to buy some black printer ink. We've been out of ink forever and I just kept forgetting to buy some. But when I got home I discovered that our shit printer won't let you print unless the black and all the color ink cartridges have ink. We were also out of yellow and magenta ink. Apparently the printer lays yellow ink under the black ink to make it brighter (or really just to make you spend more money). Hopefully Fed Ex will let me return the ink, but even if it does, I'm pretty bummed that I didn't get to print out my stationery. BLURG.

Does this count towards my mail social summer wish? 
I think at least half-way. 

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